Sunday, January 20, 2013

love you swore, john mark mcmillan

i'm typically behind the times when it comes to music.  i have a few artists i follow and love and i mostly just stick to listening to them.  pandora also makes it easier for me to just listen to artists i like and similar artists without having to pay attention to when a new album comes out.  

i have a john mark mcmillan station on pandora, but last week a friend in our Bible study loaned us one of mcmillan's albums, economy.  it played in our car for the whole week.  i loved it.  this song, love you swore really spoke to me.

here are the lyrics:

Chase me down like a lion
Like a bird of prey
Lift me up from the ashes
Of my hearts own shallow grave

Cause I know that I love you
But sometimes I’m afraid
Whoa oh…

Spare my body from the wolves, God
That crouch down at my door
Lift me up above the waters
And the sharks that guard your shore

Cause I know that I need you
But sometimes I know it more
Whoa oh…

Harbor me in the eye of the storm
I’m holding on to love you swore

the lyrics cause i know that i need you, but sometimes i know it more are so true of my life.  it's almost convicting.  there are times in my life where i haven't had a close relationship with God because my life was going well and what i thought, according to plan.  and when troubles would arise i would be there begging to God.  what an awesome remember to always be in need of God.
here's the song if you're interested.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


just a couple of snapshots from today.  it was spent snuggling with a sun-tanning beagle and making heart garlands for valentine's day.  i also rearranged our teeny-tiny kitchen, but that was a disaster i did not feel like documenting!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

suzy homemaker in the works

is it just me, or does decorating your home make you nervous, sweaty, and overly anxious?  anyone? ...ok i'm probably one of the only ones, but decorating our space can be difficult for me.  i typically can make decisions quickly and with no regret... except for when it comes to picking out a pillow for the couch.  i've made a lot of progress the past few months years (who am i kidding here?!) but i'm starting to feel like giving up.  i feel like sharing this will motivate me to continue decorating our apartment.

a lot of my struggles come within spending money or DIY-ing things i see and like.  i'm also the most impatient person when it comes to completing projects.  above, you can see my nightstand.  we use vintage orange crates propped on one end.  the lamp was thrifted and i added twine around the lampshade.

i used burlap, white acrylic paint, and stencils to add some details to the above frames.  the album is bright eyes' first day of my life.  early on when jake and i started dating he gifted me the framed album - which is my favorite.  now, go listen to first day of my life by bright eyes.  i hope it makes you smile like i do every time i listen to it.

this is jake's side of the dresser.  he loves his tolkien.  the giant clothespin was a gift.  the camera was thrifted, and the mushrooms are from target.

this would be my side of the dresser.  the bowl is part of a set i was gifted at one of my bridal showers.  the shell ring holder was something that once belonged to my grandma and the earring crate is something i thrifted.

i'm sure plenty of you have seen tutorials on many blogs on this project.  i simply found a picture at a thrift store (the frame is what sold me!) and added the saying "such great heights".  it was our wedding song (iron & wine's version) and has a lot of special meaning to us.  it's hanging above our dresser.

ok, i think i'm off to finally decide on that pillow... or maybe i'll just try to make one myself...